Teacher Membership
per item
A Teacher Membership will give you access to all resources available on Ars Nova de Audiation website as well as access to future items that are added. Please note that personal compositions are not included in the full membership but can be purchased separately. A Teacher Membership also grants you access to the Ars Nova de Audiation Facebook Group where the use of these resources will be discussed along with other topics. Please note that memberships are non-transferrable. Buying a Teacher Membership means you have read the TERMS and CONDITIONS below, have agreed to abide by these terms and conditions.
- Membership is non-transferable and non-shareable. Meaning you are not allowed to transfer your membership to another person, nor are you allowed to share your membership with another person.
- The selling of resources from Ars Nova de Audition for a profit is prohibited. Meaning you can recoup your photocopying or printing charges from students.
- Sharing resources with anyone outside of your studio is prohibited.
- Sharing resources with other teachers is prohibited.